This project was inspired by the drawings of my friend. In a way they reminded me a dream of mine. The drawings were made by a person who is interested in alchemy and have had some experiences with it. the final product of piece should consist of 3 parts: drawings, framed in black frames like in a museum, the story of my dream, wrote black on white on a big poster and a band or a musician playing a song, created exclusively for this event. It should all be displayed in an abandoned building.

Now I can tell my dream, that you could picture my idea better.

I dreamed a jail, made from recycled material. All the building was made from old furniture nailed together into walls ceiling and floor. In the bottom floor there lived a black young beautiful prisoner. she had a boyfriend and worked in a factory. Her brother was also in the same jail, in the top floor. He was an old grey haired man. There was no other prisoner upstairs.
One day her brother died. his body was lying on the floor, made from television sets and old window frames. She was kneeling next to his body and crying. the guards were talking to each other, something like : ''oh, I almost forgot that there was someone here''. Later they hound a plant on the window sill. The plant was weird, black and shinny. It was growing only in the moonlight. Then everybody found out, that the old man was an alchemist and the plant was supposed to help him to escape from the prison.
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